Learning to live with customer angst Insights Learning to live with customer angst No one is talking about the pandemic at the moment and the environmental crisis is…Andy GalliersMarch 21, 2022
Business as usual? – Our CEO’s thoughts Uncategorized Business as usual? – Our CEO’s thoughts Business as usual? We celebrated 20 years in business last year at CGA, a milestone…Andy GalliersMarch 18, 2022
Live, work & travel – Exploring the themes of a rapidly changing customer horizon PART 2 Insights Live, work & travel – Exploring the themes of a rapidly changing customer horizon PART 2 Putting car manufacturers in the driver’s seat A potential change in legislation around self-driving vehicles…Andy GalliersFebruary 7, 2022
Live, work & travel – Exploring the themes of a rapidly changing customer horizon PART 1 Insights Live, work & travel – Exploring the themes of a rapidly changing customer horizon PART 1 The new reality Much about life has changed during the past two years and some…Andy GalliersJanuary 20, 2022
How can we make commercial property a valuable business in 2022 and beyond? Insights How can we make commercial property a valuable business in 2022 and beyond? Cities around the world have seen a fundamental change in the way we use property…Andy GalliersDecember 17, 2021